

Type: L-426 Neptune P2V-4/P2V-5/P-2E
MSN: 426-5021
Previous Identities: 133640
Owner: Historical Aircraft Restoration Society (HARS) Parkes, N.S.W


06APR51 Serial number A89-595 allotted. (Source: 2)
12OCT51 Belly landed at Lake Muroc when starboard main gear would not lower. (Source: 2)
22OCT51 Flown from Muroc to Alameda for further repairs. (Source: 2)
04NOV51 Departed California on delivery to Australia. (Source: 2)
21NOV51 Received at No 1 Aircraft Depot, Laverton, Vic. (Source: 2)
30NOV51 Arrived at No 11 Squadron Pearce, WA. Crewed by:

WGCDR D. Vernon, DSO
FLTLT P. Cooney
FSGT G.W.A. Hessels
FLGOFF R.B. Denniston
FSGT M.L. Donoghue
WOFF G.E.H. Wilson
SGT L.E. Davies
SGT A.G. May

(Source: 1)
To be renumbered A89-302. (Source: 2)
Renumbered A89-302 "as part of a simplified numbering system". (Source: 2)
Scattered flower petals over St George's Terrace, Perth as part of Air Force Week. (Source: 1)
A89-302 departed Pearce for Cocos Island to provide a radio link for aircraft participating in the London-Christchurch Air Race. The aircraft was crewed by:

FLTLT G. Michael (Captain)
FLGOFF G.P. Watkin (Pilot)
SQNLDR R. Heathcote (Signaller)
FLGOFF M. Nestor (Navigator)
FSGT P.H. Stephens (Navigator)
WOFF A.K. Crooks (Signaller)
SGT J.A. Treadwell (Signaller)
(Source: 1)

Photo of A89-302 on Cocos Island.
A89-302 arrived back at Pearce from Cocos Island. Total flying time: 18 hours. (Source: 1)
11SQN moved from Pearce, WA to Richmond, NSW. The aircraft were ferried during the period 24-27MAY54. (Source: 1)
Mark 2 Conversion
Received at 2AD ex 11SQN. (Source: 2 shows 22MAR55) Explanation
Received at 11SQN ex 2AD. (Source: 2 shows 18SEP55) Explanation
Damaged in a storm at Richmond when the wheel chocks moved. Damage to nacelles was repaired at 11SQN. (Source: 2)
Received at 2AD, Richmond for preparation for ferry flight to Ontario, California for conversion to P2V-5F standards (Jet Pod Modification). (Source: 2)
Mark 4 Conversion
Departed for USA along with A89-310 and A89-312 for Jet Pod Mod. (Source: 1)
Returned from the USA. (Source: 1)
Flown Richmond-Avalon for Mod 208 (WOMBAT) by CAC. (Source: 1)
Returned to 11SQN from CAC Avalon. (Source: 1)
Flown Richmond-Avalon for Mod 201 (FIREX) by CAC. (Source: 1).
Returned to 11SQN after FIREX mod. (Source: 1)
Redesignated P-2E. (Source: 2)
Received at 2AD, Richmond ex 11SQN for corrosion repairs. (Source: 2)
Received at 11SQN ex 2AD. (Source: 2)
Air Test by FLGOFF P.G. Clarey after D Service at Richmond. (Source: 1)
The submarine USS Tiru reported engine problems 350 miles north-east of Townsville. A89-302 under the command of FLTLT A.R. Millman (RAF) departed Richmond at 2330 to drop a piston in a storpedo. After a successful drop the aircraft returned to Richmond after 15 hours in the air. (Source: 1)
Departed Richmond for East Sale on a crew training detail. The aircraft returned to Richmond on 07DEC66. This is the last recorded operation by A89-302 in the 11SQN ORB but evidently not all flights were recorded as the Squadron was preoccupied with the introduction of the P-3B Orion. (Source: 1)
Allotted to the RAAF School of Technical Training at Wagga Wagga, NSW for conversion to an instructional aid as INST No 2. (Source: 2)
A89-302 was flown to Wagga Wagga by FLTLT Richardson and a skeleton crew who returned to Richmond by civil aircaft the same day. (Source: 1)
Issued to RSTT Wagga. (Source: 2)
Being restored by RSTT for unit display purposes. Aircraft is in generally good condition but short of some components. (Source: 2)
It was reported that the aircraft had been inadvertently used as a fire training aid. Its condition is poor and approximately 500 man days will be required to restore the aircraft. (Source: 2)
Neptunes A89-302 and A89-301 are to be assessed with a view to restoring A89-302 as an item of historical interest. (Source: 2)
Damage to A89-302 is considerable and disposal as scrap is recommended. It is further recommended that one of the current Neptunes be used as a museum piece. (Source: 2)
Still held at Wagga. (Source: 2)
Held at Base Sqn Wagga/RSTT with R-3350 #562837 & #562842 and J-34 #201171. (Source: 2)
Still held at Wagga. (Source: 2)
The aircraft was photographed at Wagga painted light grey. Given photographic evidence that the aeroplane was still painted Sea Blue when it was delivered to Wagga as Instructional Neptune No 2, it is concluded that the aircraft was subsequently repainted Light Gull Grey at Wagga, possibly in 1974. By the time the aircraft was delivered to the RAAF Museum it was again Sea Blue so evidently it was repainted a second time while at Wagga.
Still held Wagga. (Source: 2)
Still held Wagga. (Source: 2)
Due to be trucked from Wagga to Point Cook for restoration by the RAAF Museum. As of May 1998, most of the airframe was still at Wagga although some components had been trucked to Point Cook.
Major airframe components sighted at Laverton. Remainder of the aircraft is at Point Cook.
The fuselage was moved from external storage at Laverton to the RAAF Museum at Point Cook. (Source: AA May 2012)
Gifted to HARS by the RAAF.
The aircraft departed Point Cook by road.
The aircraft arrived in Parkes.
The forward fuselage was attached to the centre section and the aircraft raised on its undercarriage.
By this date the aircraft was externally complete except for a few panels. The aircraft has also been painted.



A89-302 is the only remaining P2V-5/P-2E Neptune in Australia and HARS is committed to returning her to her former glory as a static exhibit. Unfortunately, time in storage has not been kind to the aeroplane and many internal items have gone missing over the years. If you can assist with genuine P2V-5/P-2E components, HARS will be very pleased to hear from you. Please contact HARS directly via their Website or email the Lockheed File.




  • The first two aircraft (A89-301 & 302) were commenced as P2V-4 but were brought up close to P2V-5 standard on the production line. Nevertheless, there were differences between these two aircraft and the following ten, principally in their electrical systems.
  • Initially, RAAF serials were "scrambled" for security reasons.
  • Mark 1 - Initially all P2V-5 were designated as Mark 1.
  • Mark 2 - With the removal of the nose and tail turrets and the addition of a clear nose and a MAD boom, the aircraft were redesignated as Mark 2.
  • Mark 3 - With the removal of the dorsal turret they were redesignated as Mark 3.
  • Mark 4 - With the addition of Westinghouse J34 jet pods they were redesignated P2V-5F Mark 4.
  • In 1962 the P2V-5 designation was changed to P-2E in line with USN designations.
  • All P2V-5/P-2E served with No 11 Squadron RAAF, initially at Pearce, WA but by 31MAY54 the squadron had completed its move to Richmond, NSW.

NAA, RAAF Unit History sheets (Form A50) [Operations Record Book - Forms A50 and A51] Number 11 Squadron Nov 50 - Jun 67, Series number A9186.
RAAF Form E/E.88 Record Card.


Issue Date Remarks
27 22JAN25
Added a stunning image of A89-302 under the Parkes night sky. Thanks to Ed Hurst of the Central West Astronomical Society.
26 01JAN25
Added two images from the John Hopton Collection thanks to the CAHS.
Image 1 Image 2
25 09AUG22
Added two images thanks to Eric Allen. Image 1 Image 2
24 27JAN22
Added an image of the aircraft as A89-595.
23 02NOV21
Added references from 22MAR55 to 22MAR56.
22 24NOV20
Added a recent image of the aircraft which is now externally complete. Thanks to Bob De La Hunty.
21 10OCT20
The aircraft is externally complete and has been painted.
20 14FEB20
Added a recent image of the aircraft back on its undercarriage thanks to Bob De La Hunty.
19 31JAN20
The aircraft has been raised on its undercarriage.
18 09JUN19
Added references at 17OCT66 and 06DEC66 from Source 1.
17 08JUN19
Added an image thanks to Eric Allen.
Added an image thanks to Bob De La Hunty.
16 07JUN19
Added references at 29APR66 and 20MAR67 from Source 1.
15 28NOV18
Added three images of the aircraft being dismantled and loaded at Point Cook.
14 17NOV18
Added details of the move from Point Cook to Parkes thanks to HARS.
13 22AUG18
Added an image of the aircraft at Wagga in 1987 painted light gull grey. Thanks to Stephan Bowdrey.
12 05JUL18
The aircraft has been gifted to HARS. Added further information from Source 2.
11 10JUN16
Added an image of the aircraft at Wagga in 1985 painted light gull grey. Thanks to Marty Watson.
10 12MAR16
Added a reference to the aircraft assisting in the London to Christchurch Air Race in October 1953.
9 27FEB16
Added an image thanks to Maurice Ritchie.
8 05NOV15
Added return date from the Jet Pod Mod.
7 02JUN12
The fuselage has been moved from Laverton to Point Cook.
6 23AUG05
Deleted reference to 11 Sqn being at Richmond when the aircraft was delivered. At this time the squadron was still at Pearce.
5 25NOV02
History expanded from Status Card.

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