

Type: L-426 Neptune P2V-4/P2V-5/P-2E
MSN: 426-5022
Previous Identities: 133641


06APR51 Allotted serial number A89-592.
21NOV51 Received at 1AD Laverton ex the USA.
23NOV51 Received at 11SQN Pearce ex 1AD.
15AUG52 To be renumbered A89-301.
22AUG52 Renumbered A89-301 "as part of a simplified numbering system".
Mark 2 Conversion
27APR55 Received at 2AD Richmond ex de Havillands. (Source: 2)
26MAY55 "Verbal advice received from W/Cdr Barrett at Department of Air that this aircraft has been selected for operations in Malaya." Aircraft selected were A89-303, 309, 310, 311 and 312. There is no further mention of Malaya so evidently these plans were dropped. (Source: 2)
22MAY56 Issued to 11SQN after Mk 2 conversion. (Source: 2)
Mark 4 Conversion
25SEP59 Departed for USA for Jet Pod Mod.
29DEC59 Returned from the USA.
18MAR60 Received at CAC, Avalon for Mod 208.
01APR60 Allotted to 11SQN ex CAC.
05MAY61 Received at CAC, Avalon for Mod 201.
02JUN61 Received at 11SQN ex CAC.
15SEP66 Four Neptunes performed a flypast over the Cenotaph in Martin Place, Sydney during a Battle of Britain service. The formation comprised A89-301, 307, 309 and 311. This is the last recorded operation by A89-301 in the 11SQN ORB but evidently not all flights were recorded as the Squadron was preoccupied with the introduction of the P-3B Orion. (Source: 1)
04OCT66 Allotted to 21SQN and School of Radio as Instructional No. 1.
19OCT66 Flown from Richmond to Laverton. Total Time: 4016 hrs.
18MAY73 Aircraft no longer required and recommended for allotment to RAAF Museum, Point Cook. 21SQN will retain one R-3350 and one J-34 as training aids.
05JUN73 Proposal to allot to RAAF Museum was rejected.
26SEP73 HQ Laverton recommends sale of airframe following removal of items required for training purposes.
11DEC73 Approval being sought for conversion to fire training aid at Point Cook.
21MAR74 Allotted to Fire Training School at Point Cook.
10MAY74 To be retained as fire training aid by Base Squadron Laverton.
01FEB75 Still held by Base Sqn Laverton.
25AUG75 A89-301 and A89-302 to be assessed with a view to restoring A89-302 as an item of historical interest.
SEP75 A89-301 is of little value in the restoration of A89-302. The aircraft was subsequently burned at Laverton.


  • The first two aircraft (A89-301 & 302) were commenced as P2V-4 but were brought up close to P2V-5 standard on the production line. Nevertheless, there were differences between these two aircraft and the following ten, principally in their electrical systems.
  • Initially, RAAF serials were "scrambled" for security reasons.
  • Mark 1 - Initially all P2V-5 were designated as Mark 1.
  • Mark 2 - With the removal of the nose and tail turrets and the addition of a clear nose and a MAD boom, the aircraft were redesignated as Mark 2.
  • Mark 3 - With the removal of the dorsal turret they were redesignated as Mark 3.
  • Mark 4 - With the addition of Westinghouse J34 jet pods they were redesignated P2V-5F Mark 4.
  • In 1962 the P2V-5 designation was changed to P-2E in line with USN designations.
  • All P2V-5/P-2E served with No 11 Squadron RAAF, initially at Pearce, WA but by 31MAY54 the squadron had completed its move to Richmond, NSW.



NAA, RAAF Unit History sheets (Form A50) [Operations Record Book - Forms A50 and A51] Number 11 Squadron Nov 50 - Jun 67, Series number A9186.
RAAF Form E/E.88 Record Card.

Issue Date Remarks
9 01JAN25
Added an image of Instructional Neptune No 1 from the John Hopton Collection thanks to the CAHS.
8 12AUG24
Added an image of the aircraft as A89-292 thanks to Phil Vabre of the CAHS.
7 02NOV21
Added a reference to operations in Malaya at 26MAY55.
6 31OCT21
Added dates of Mk 2 conversion.
5 09JUN19
Added a reference at 15SEP66.
4 08JUN19
Added an image thanks to Eric Allen.
3 16DEC17
Added an image thanks to Bob Howe.
2 05NOV15
Added return date from the Jet Pod Mod.
1 24NOV02
Original issue.

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